I just discovered "Horrible Histories," a show that ran on British television from 2009-2013. The series is based on a series of books directed at (it seems) middle school age kids. Looks like the show developed out of the kind of things we did in the theater games section of the class. Anyway, I'm interested in your reactions. What do you think of "Horrible Histories"? Would you use it in the classroom? Here are some segments and complete shows:
English Kings and Queens Song
George I doesn't understand English
Season One, Episode One
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I LOVE those little history clips! I would so use them in a classroom. They are a lot more age appropriate than my show Drunken History. I’m not sure I could even learn the English King song, let alone remember something about each one. A 4 minute song with 50 kings names in it, might be a good way to illustrate that history isn’t always about intricate details, but can be about over-arching themes as well. King George doesn’t speak English was hilarious. Did he really get taken advantage of in similar manners? That would surely make sense if he did, and add more credibility to the “History”.